Jack Honeycutt: Islam (1): Roots and Development
Jack Honeycutt: Islam (2): False Prophet and Book (Qur’an)
Jack Honeycutt: Islam (3): Is Islam a Peaceful Religion? The Real Agenda
Jack Honeycutt: Islam (4): Sharia Law and Jihad
Justin Rogers: Handclapping in the Music of the Early Church
Although Woodson, Highers, and many others have detailed the early church's strong position against instrumental music, no one to my knowledge has done this with handclapping. However, the church's position is just as strongly opposed to handclapping during the singing of Christian hymns as it is...
2 for 1 Class: Worship and Bible Studies
Justin Rogers - What about Praise Teams, Handclapping, and Beatboxing?
David Barker - Tips and Thoughts on Conducting Coffee Shop Bible Studies -
Jody Apple: Balance: How Do Grace and Law Work Together?
Jody Apple: Tough Questions: Does the Bible Reward Rape?
An explanation of Deuteronomy 22:28-29
Jody Apple: A Textual Study of the Kinsman Redeemer
Matt Vega: When Does the Bible Allow Divorce?
Mike Hixson: God's Two Laws of Pardon
This session will show the importance of a Christian's confession of their sins, and the biblical principles governing that.
Mike Hixson: Why Do We Take the Lord's Supper Every Week?
Gary Hampton: Understanding the New Hermeneutic
Gary Hampton: What Is Going to Happen to All Who Have Never Heard of Jesus?
Luke Griffin: Unbroken Chain
A look at the history of the church from the 2nd century to the beginning of the restoration movement.
Mark Reynolds: The Fatherhood of God
Dewayne Bryant: Fact-Checking the Islamic Faith
Muslims claim that Islam is the true faith and that Christianity and Judaism are merely corruptions of the truth. Muslim doctrine states that figures of the Bible such as Abraham and Moses were faithful Muslims. What does archaeology say about these claims, and about the origins of the world’s se...
Mike Vestal: When Conservative Isn't Sound (Revelation 2:1–7)
Mike Vestal: When Conservative Isn't Sound (Revelation 2:1–7)
Doug Dingley: Clearing up the Confusion for Our One-cup Brethren? (1)
This class discusses our Lord's intense desire for His disciples' unity; the current depth of the deadly division that exists among us; and whence the foundational misunderstanding comes which lies at the heart of this fatal fracture in our fellowship.
Doug Dingley: Clearing up the Confusion for Our One-cup Brethren? (3)
Building upon the biblical insights provided by the previous two classes, this final session will explore each communion-related reference containing the word "cup", and seek to provide attendees with the answers they need in order to help clear up the confusion with our one-cup brethren, and hen...
Kyle Butt: How Should a Church Treat One Who Has Been Withdrawn from?
Withdrawing fellowship from an errant member is a biblical command. How should area congregations respond to the withdrawal of fellowship that a sister congregation has done?
Keith Mosher: What Is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
Jacob Evans: Gentiles in the Hands of a Genocidal God
Scripture both describes the Israelites exterminating the Canaanites in cities like Jericho (Joshua 6:21), and what about such commands as: "devote them to complete destruction . . . and show no mercy to them" (Deuteronomy 7:2). How is this reconciled with a God who loves His creation?
Hugh Fulford: Is CENI Really a Hermeneutic?
Command, example, necessary inference