Doug Dingley: Clearing up the Confusion for Our One-cup Brethren? (3)
Building upon the biblical insights provided by the previous two classes, this final session will explore each communion-related reference containing the word "cup", and seek to provide attendees with the answers they need in order to help clear up the confusion with our one-cup brethren, and hence help heal up this deadly division within the Lord's church.
Up Next in Doctrine
Kyle Butt: How Should a Church Treat ...
Withdrawing fellowship from an errant member is a biblical command. How should area congregations respond to the withdrawal of fellowship that a sister congregation has done?
Keith Mosher: What Is the Blasphemy o...
Jacob Evans: Gentiles in the Hands of...
Scripture both describes the Israelites exterminating the Canaanites in cities like Jericho (Joshua 6:21), and what about such commands as: "devote them to complete destruction . . . and show no mercy to them" (Deuteronomy 7:2). How is this reconciled with a God who loves His creation?