Christa Bryant: 5 Hebrew Words for Daily Living
This is a study of five words with a bearing on daily life: lovingkindness, holiness, expectant waiting, worship, and grace.
Kevin Rhodes: Building Leaders (5): Sacrificial Leaders (Nehemiah 5:1-19)
Kevin Rhodes: Building Leaders (6): Fearless Leaders (Nehemiah 6:1-19).
Kevin Rhodes: Building Leaders (4): Motivating Leadership (Nehemiah 4)
Kevin Rhodes: Building Leaders (2): Visionary Leaders (Nehemiah 2)
Kevin Rhodes: Building Leaders (3): Unifying Leadership (Nehemiah 3)
Kevin Rhodes: Building Leaders (4): Motivating Leadership (Nehemiah 4)
Kevin Rhodes: Building Leaders (1): Caring Leaders (Nehemiah 1)
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction—The Roman Centurion’s Servant
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: Healed Peter's Mother-in-law
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: The Devils Inside
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: Feeding of the Four Thousand
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: Healing at Gennesaret
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: Walking on Water
Wade Webster: What Church Would Jesus Attend if He Were on Earth?
Wade Webster: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: Raising of Lazarus
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: Healing of A Man with Dropsy
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: The Mute Man
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: Syro-Phoenician's Daughter
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: The Untouchables
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: Two Blind Men at Galilee
Wade Webster: Miracles Are Parables of Instruction: The Woman with a Blood Issue
Mike Vestal: 30 Years that Changed the World
A one-shot, fill-your-bucket study of a book that marvelously focuses on Christ, His Church, and Conversion. It’s been well said, “By doing what they did in the book of Acts, we can become what they were—Christians.”