Dan Winkler: Jesus's Last Words (1): Father Forgive Them
Cliff Goodwin: As Pertaining to the Grace of God: Studies in 1 Peter (3)
B.J. Clarke: You Can Know You Are Saved—So, Are You? (1)
The Old Testament and Eternal Security
Cliff Goodwin: As Pertaining to the Grace of God: Studies in 1 Peter (1)
Cliff Goodwin: As Pertaining to the Grace of God: Studies in 1 Peter (2)
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 4
“Be ye followers of me.” What a statement! A study of the apostle Paul’s life from Scripture is always helpful. His ways included service, stewardship, and sacrifice. But were Paul’s ways really his ways?
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 2
Through the Holy Spirit, God has freely given us the riches of the gospel. Peering into the word of God is, in essence, peering into the mind of God Himself. He intends for us to know and understand what He has revealed in His word. This session will also address some factors that will hinder our...
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 3
All of us are to be laboring in the Lord’s vineyard. How do we view the labors of our brethren? How do we view our own efforts? Glorying in men is a sure sign of carnality—and a misunderstanding of the power of the gospel.
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 6
Perhaps no more encouraging words can be read than, “And such were some of you…” The gospel produces glorious change! But old habits (and attitudes) often die hard. Christian hearts must be fed a steady diet of God’s word, and Christian lives must be continually brought into conformity with that ...
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 1
The life of a New Testament Christian is different from any other. The gospel call summons one out of this world’s darkness and into a life of holiness and fellowship with God. It is a life both of great blessing and great responsibility.
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 11
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 9
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 8
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 10
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 7
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 15
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 14
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 13
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 12
Cliff Goodwin: If Any Defiles the Temple of God… Studies in First Corinthians 16
Cliff Goodwin: When Warriors Weep (2 Timothy 1)
B.J. Clarke: You Can Know You Are Saved—So, Are You? (2)
What Jesus Taught About Eternal Security
B.J. Clarke: You Can Know You Are Saved—So, Are You? (3)
What the Apostles Taught About Eternal Security
B.J. Clarke: The Book Nobody Studies—Learning from Lamentations (2)
Finding Joy in the Midst of the Tears. This session covers chapters 2-3.