April Meacham: Journey with Bible Women
Mike Hixon: Our Most Valuable Possession
(Mk. 8:34-38)--Our soul is more important than anything the world has to offer. If we gain the world and lose our soul we have made an insane transaction.
Martha Howell: In it Not of it Part 1
Living in this World without the World Living in Us Part 1
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Mark Howell: 2 Minutes Tops - My Favorite Sermon Illustration
Sermon Illustration
Paul Sain: A Father's Charge to His Son
Study of 1 Chronicles 28 as David pleads with his son Solomon to be faithful and complete the work of God - an excellent application for God's people today.
Renee Brown/Karen Perkins: PTP 2020 Chalking Class 6
For Ladies Only
Sheila Butt: If the Shoe Fits and Healing Broken Things Part 2
For Ladies Only.
Teah McWhorter: Serving from the Heart #1
If Paul were writing Romans 16 to your church today, would he include your name as a servant to others? Learn what true Christian service is as a church member, parent, etc. – by loving in deed.
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Terrance Dindy: The Resurrection (1 Cor 15)
Todd Clippard: Does My Practice Match My Profession = Confession
The Parable of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37. Confessing Jesus as the Lord and Son of God is more than words. It means accepting all the things that accompany discipleship.
Todd Clippard: Choosing a Mate
The second most important decision is that of choosing to marry. Let’s look at what the Bible says about choosing a mate.
Tonja McRady: Our Influence
Take a walk with 5 Bible women: Eve who was deceived; Sarah who reverenced her husband; Jael who recognized an opportunity; Naomi who walked through the valley; and Hannah who trusted in prayer.
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Kyle Butt: Why is the Bible So Hard to Understand
Why is the Bible So Hard to Understand
Kevin Rutherford: Eternal Life and Truth
Kelvin Pugh: Solitary Refinement
Keith Hovis: 2 Minutes Tops - My Best Advice to Preachers
My Best Advice to Preachers
Jordan Pugh: I got the Itis! The Single Preacher
Johnny Scaggs: Then Each Member Must Be Willing to do His, Her Part
Then Each Member Must Be Willing to do His, Her Part
77_Gary Hampton
An introspective look at things I would change if I could begin again. I would add more listening, prayer, opportunity seeking, and saying "I love you."
Donna Faughn: What keeps me from Loving LIfe and seeing good days
What keeps me from Loving LIfe and seeing good days
For Ladies Only -
Dean Thompson: What We Can Learn From Jesus About Racial Unity
What We Can Learn From Jesus About Racial Unity
Daniel Howell: 2 Minutes Tops - My Favorite Sermon Illustration
April Meacham: The Next Step Is Yours #2
How do you take the next step when dealing with a bad situation someone else made? Discover Biblical principles to help you accept what you cannot change, change the things you can, and know the difference. Then take the challenge to move on!
For Ladies Only. -
Alan Judd: Regrets of a Dead Man
Are there things in your past you would like to have done differently or things you would change? In Luke 16, Jesus gives us a glimpse of the regrets the rich man had in eternity. Sadly, he could do nothing about them, but we can recognize them and avoid having the same eternal regrets.