Melvin Otey: What to Say to a Christian Who Struggles With Same-Sex Attraction?
John DeBerry: America: A Return to Righteousness (3)
Ed DeBerry: Where Is the Love?
Why are we divided? Love has to be present in order to achieve a "racially" united church in the midst of a "racially" divided world.
Melvin Otey: What Does the Bible Say about Terrorists?
Melvin Otey: Three Ways to Love Your Transgender Neighbor
Melvin Otey: Preventing #MeToo Moments and Working with the Opposite Sex
Don Blackwell: What Our Country Needs to Hear about Morality
Tom Holland: How Do I Address Political Issues Without Blowing Up The Church?
John Moore: Look Who's Judging Now
Why is it that people who DON'T believe the Bible to be the final authority on morality – some of those in Hollywood, for example – feel the need to point out when people of their own ranks are guilty of sexual harassment or other sins.
Justin Rogers: Hot Button Issues: Most "Transgender" Kids Will Change Back Later
Jody Apple: Can "thoughts and prayers" stop shootings?
This class will examine such things as the folly of calling on God in tragedy while ignoring Him the rest of the time and how Christians' prayers influence national events.
Joe Wells: Understanding the Sexual Identity Crisis in America
Matt Vega: Recent Decisions & New Religion Cases Facing the Supreme Court (2017)
Matt Vega: How Churches Can Participate in the Traditional Marriage Debate
Matt Vega: "My Sin Is Not Hurting Anyone"—Understanding the Harm Principle
Matt Vega: Nowhere to Hide—Never Wanted to Anyway (Matthew 5:14-16)
As our culture moves away from the Bible, it is becoming necessary to let it be known where we stand on certain issues. The world and situations are demanding it. Those who do not let it be known are making another statement.
Matt Vega: Hot Button Issues: The LGBT Agenda—Ten Things You Need to Know
Matt Vega: Recent Decisions & New Religion Cases Facing the Supreme Court (2019)
Matt Vega: 2 for 1: Avoiding and Spotting Sexual Abuse
Avoiding and Spotting Sexual Abuse in Your School, Family, or Congregation
Mike Hixson: What Has Happened to America?
This session will look at the morals, ethics, and doctrine for our nation. Why are we taking God out of our society, our lives, our schools, and our government? It seems we are removing God from everything that America was founded upon.
Mike Hixson: Be Strong and Very Courageous
It is important to be brave and bold in a country that is becoming increasingly hostile and intolerant of Christianity.
Jonathan Moore: Homosexuality: Three Things That Are Very Clear
Keith Kasarjian: Teaching Our Children about Bible Gender Roles
Jeff Miller: The Christian and Medical Ethics