Cindy Colley: He Chose Calvary (All the Ways He Could Have Escaped)
Cindy Colley: Keepers at Home Series: Help—I Don't Like Being a Stay-at-home Mom
Cindy Colley: Keepers at Home Series: Work at Home Moms
Cindy Colley: Keepers at Home Series: Minimalism: Trend or Biblical Principle?
Cindy Colley: What A Son Needs From His Mother
Cindy Colley: Watch a Woman-to-Woman Bible Study: Baptist
Cindy Colley: The Friendly Preachers Wife: How to Stay Strong in Tough Times
Cindy Colley: If It Makes My Brother Stumble: Modesty from 1 Corinthians 8:13
Cindy Colley: How to Dig Deep Into The Word and Get The Meat (2013)
Cindy Colley: Blockbuster Passages for Women about Sanctification
Cindy Colley: Dangers of Liberalism That Are Specific to Women
Cindy Colley: Bless Their Hearts: Equipping Children to Make Wise Decisions
Cindy Colley: Best Ideas Women's Ministries
Cindy Colley: A Selfless Life
Cindy Colley: Watch a Woman-to-Woman Bible Study: Catholicism
Cindy Colley: The Holy Spirit: My Relationship to Him as a Christian
Cindy Colley: Private-Eye Parents?
Your teenager wants privacy; you want answers. Should you butt in or back off?
Cindy Colley: Our God Is an Awesome God. Worship Him!
Cindy Colley: Digging Deep: Sweet Hour of Prayer
Cindy Colley: The Christian Woman As . . . (4): Connector
Women are experts in evangelism
Cindy Colley: The Christian Woman As . . . (3): Mother
Cindy Colley: The Christian Woman As . . . (2): Counselor
Friendships are opportunities to Serve
Cindy Colley: The Christian Woman As . . . (1): Companion
Cindy Colley: Watch a Woman-to-Woman Bible Study: Pentecostal