Learning to Live as Gods Covenant People: Respecting Gods Authority
Authority is relevant in virtually every realm of life. Without proper respect for God's authority, one inevitably veers off course. The newly redeemed Israelites reflect this sad fact in the book of Numbers.
Learning to Live as Gods Covenant People: Sin and Punishment
Whether by rebellion or neglect, the breaking of God's law is most serious. Time and again Israel transgressed against God, and their rebellion ultimately cost the older generations the Promised Land.
Cliff Goodwin: Learning to Live as Gods Covenant People: Faith and Inheritance
Throughout all three Biblical dispensations, God has extended His fellowship to man on the basis of faith. If Israel had only acted in faith, virtually an entire generation would not have died in the wilderness wandering. Through continued faith, God's children today will ultimately receive the i...
Learning to Live as Gods Covenant People: What Leadership Looks Like
Sound, diligent leadership is crucial to God's people as a collective group. There are great examples of leadership in the book of Numbers in spite of the rebellious spirit that pervaded much of Israel.
Learning to Live as Gods Covenant People: Memorials, Signs, and Tokens
It is striking as one observes God's use of memorials, signs, and tokens in the book of Numbers. Since creation, man has been prone to forget. God used various "memory aids" to help future generations of Israel.