Mike Hixson: The Church That Belongs to the Lord
(Matt. 16:13-19)--This lesson provides an examination of the New Testament church.
Cliff Goodwin: The Beautiful Bride of Christ
Thoughts of happiness and contentment flood the mind when one beholds a bride on her wedding day. Christ has taken a beautiful bride for Himself, and we can behold many aspects of her beauty from Ephesians 5.
Hiram Kemp: True Unity (Ephesians 4:1-6)
In a world of religious division, Paul pleaded with the church at Ephesus for unity. Following the outline Paul gives in Ephesians 4, we can be those who possess and main the unity God desires.
Larry Acuff: The Church of a Lifetime
This sermon is based on Rev. 21:1-4 and Luke 16: 19-31. One has two choices and the choice made will determine where one spends eternity.
Hiram Kemp: Why I Love the Church of Christ
This sermon speaks of the New Testament church and why I love her. The church of Christ is the bride of Christ and distinct from other churches in our world. The Bible shows us why we all should have a love for the church Jesus purchased.
Forest Antemesaris: The Church I Could not Ignore
Rob Whitacre - Evangelism In The Age Of COVID
The church has been hit hard by the COVID pandemic, but it must continue its mission: Evangelism.
Chuck Webster- What You Need to Know About The Emerging Church Movement
Chuck Webster- What You Need to Know About The Emerging Church Movement
Cy Stafford- World Evangelism; The Church's Supreme Aim and Task
Cy Stafford- World Evangelism; The Church's Supreme Aim and Task
Dale Hubbert: How to Move a Church Forward That's Stuck in Neutral
Dale Hubbert: How to Move a Church Forward That's Stuck in Neutral
David Powell: Hot Button Issues: Does God Still Work Miracles Today?
David Powell: Hot Button Issues: Does God Still Work Miracles Today?
David Prophator- A Model Church For A Modern World
David Prophator- A Model Church For A Modern World
Ernest Benjamin: From Disciples to Teachers
Ernest Benjamin: From Disciples to Teachers
Ernest Vilches: Here's What We Do; It Might Work for You
Ernest gave up a high-paying job with Ford Motor Company. He and his wife, who is from the Philippines, returned to her home country to work. Ernest's knowledge of how big companies hire enabled him to establish a work training program. Several of those attending that program have also worshiped ...
Ferman Carpenter- The Leavers; Young Doubters Exit The Church - Why?
Ferman Carpenter- The Leavers; Young Doubters Exit The Church - Why?
More than in previous generations, 20- and 30-somethings are abandoning the faith. Why? What can be done about it? Join us as we explore God’s plan for reaching this important demographic. -
Ferman Carpenter: Tips for Making Members Stick
Ferman Carpenter: Tips for Making Members Stick
Gene Godfrey- My Favorite Sermon - No black church; no white church
Gene Godfrey- My Favorite Sermon
No black church; no white church - Acts 17:24-28 -
Jeremiah Tatum: Cross Words: A Series of Communion Talks
Jeremiah Tatum: Cross Words: A Series of Communion Talks
Mike Vestal – Why The Time For Growth Is Now (Sign Language Included)
Mike Vestal: Why the Time for Growth Is Now (Acts 20)
This video has accompanying sign language for the hearing impaired. -
Stacey Grant: What Nehemiah Shows Small Churches about Growth
Stacey Grant: What Nehemiah Shows Small Churches about Growth
Wayne Jones: Dangerous Thing We Do "at Church" (It's not what you think).
Wayne Jones: The Most Dangerous Thing We Do "at Church" (It's not what you think).
This class addresses the subject of the Lord's supper from the standpoint of Paul's statement in 1 Corinthians 11:29.