David Shannon: God's Man—Humble, Yet Assertive
David Shannon: When I Pray
Glenn Colley: Should Christians Forgive Those Who Do Not Seek Forgiveness?
Hiram Kemp: A Better Prayer Life Starts Today
Clark Sims: Five Habits of Happy People
Ernest Benjamin: From Believers to Disciples
B.J. Clarke: Marks of Integrity to Never Compromise
Mark Posey: Insights from Second Peter: Spiritual Growth in a Sinful World
Mark Posey: Burning the Midnight Oil: Living What You Believe—Studies in James
This is an exegetical and homiletical approach to the Epistle of James to Growing Christians.
Dan Winkler: Maintaining a Tranquil Spirit in the Midst of Trying Times
Eric Owens: A Joy That Cannot Be Taken
Dan Winkler: 7 Ways to Stay Motivated and Accomplish Anything
Cliff Goodwin: God-Sized Prayers
B.J. Clarke: The Order of the Towel
The Bible calls us to service, but it does more—it provides us with some outstanding portraits of great servants. Surprisingly, some of the greatest servants in Scripture are some of the lesser-known Bible characters. Who are they and how can I serve as they did?
B.J. Clarke: What Will Happen to My Life If Christ Is My Life?
This question is answered decisively in Colossians.
B.J. Clarke: Fear the Lord, But Don't Be Afraid of Him
Eric Owens: A Life Beyond Amazing
Eric Owens: Learning to Live like God (2)
Eric Owens: Learning to Live like God (1)
Eric Owens: So, You Want To Be Happy?
Eric Owens: Are You Doubting God's Love? Don’t!
Eric Owens: Let Your Moderation Be Know Unto All Men: The Importance of Balance
We are tempted to go overboard with things we like, from watching football, social networking, and eating to working . . . What does God want us to do?
Eric Owens: And The Manna Ceased
A Final Charge from PTP 2014
Eric Owens- The Value of Values