Polishing the Pulpit 2022

Polishing the Pulpit 2022

31 Seasons

These are videos from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

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Polishing the Pulpit 2022
  • Recent Decisions and New Religion Cases Facing the Supreme Court | Matt Vega

    Episode 1

    Matt Vega speaks on the topic "Recent Decisions and New Religion Cases Facing the Supreme Court"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Hot Button Issues: Gender Identification | Justin Rogers

    Episode 2

    In this video Justin Rogers speaks on the topic "Hot Button Issues: Gender Identification"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Ministering to Students with Same Sex Attraction | Eric Garner

    Episode 3

    Eric Garner speaks on "Youth Workers Seminar: Ministering to Students with Same Sex Attraction"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • The Supremacy of Christianity | Daniel Stearsman

    Episode 4

    In this video Daniel Stearsman speaks on the topic "The Supremacy of Christianity"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • How to Handle Registered Sex Offenders who Want to Attend | Matt Vega

    Episode 5

    In this video Matt Vega speaks on the topic "Hot Button Issues: How to Handle Registered Sex Offenders who Want to Attend your Congregation"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Hot Button Issues: Gifted or Authorized? | Justin Rogers

    Episode 6

    In this video Justin Rogers speaks on the topic "Hot Button Issues: Gifted or Authorized? Should Christians use their gifts in worship regardless of what God's Word teaches?"

  • Ministry in the Margins | Matt Vega

    Episode 7

    In this video Matt Vega speaks on the topic "Ministry in the Margins"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com