Glenn Colley: What A Boy Needs From Dad and What A Girl Needs From Her Father
Glenn Colley: Preparing Our College-bound Kids for the Emerging Church Movement
Even those whose children attend Christian universities need to be aware of what students are likely to encounter in churches near campus. Our teens need to be prepared to know what to watch for and how to use the Bible to answer false concepts.
Glenn Colley: How to Keep Your Kids Involved When the Youth Group Is a Problem
Glenn Colley: Where Are the Young Men?
A college minister said,
"In my college work, I witness a noticeable difference between the number of young women and young men. As the church looks toward the future, I see this as a matter requiring immediate attention. I think we need to get church leaders, nationwide, to begin emphasizing g...
Cindy Colley: Your Little Boys Can Be Elders; Your Little Girls Elders' Wives
Cindy Colley: Five Things We Must Be Sure Our Teens Know about Homosexuality
Cindy Colley: Keepers at Home Series: Help—I Don't Like Being a Stay-at-home Mom
Cindy Colley: Keepers at Home Series: Work at Home Moms
Cindy Colley: What A Son Needs From His Mother
Cindy Colley: Bless Their Hearts: Equipping Children to Make Wise Decisions
Cindy Colley: Private-Eye Parents?
Your teenager wants privacy; you want answers. Should you butt in or back off?
Cindy Colley: Five Things Parents Must Do to Protect Kids from Pornography
Eric Garner: Why Do So Many Youth Become Disenchanted with the Church?
Possible reasons that youth leave the church and suggest ways to reverse these trends. How culture, spiritual abuse, religious harassment, ignorance, sin, and perverted authority can cause our youth to leave the church. Also suggested methods of recovery.
Clark Sims: Preparing Teens for Greatness (4): Getting Teens Ready to Listen
Jesus encouraged His disciples to seek genuine, spiritual greatness (Matthew 20:26-27). This series will encourage youth workers to equip teens for great service in the Lord’s kingdom. This lesson concentrates on diligence to learn from the Word of God.
Eddie Parrish: Preparing Teens for Greatness (1): Getting Teens Ready to Leave
Jesus encouraged His disciples to seek genuine, spiritual greatness (Matthew 20:26-27). This series will encourage youth workers to equip teens for great service in the Lord’s kingdom. “Getting Teens Ready to Leave." This lesson concentrates on spiritual independence when teens leave home.
John Moore: Preparing Teens for Greatness (2): Getting Teens Ready to Learn
Jesus encouraged His disciples to seek genuine, spiritual greatness (Matthew 20:26-27). This series will encourage youth workers to equip teens for great service in the Lord’s kingdom. This lesson concentrates on spiritual persistence to grow through life’s experiences.
Don Blackwell: Managing Media in the Home (Screentime)
Should I limit screen time? How?
Neal Pollard: What If My Teenager Is Addicted to Social Media?
Neal Pollard: Why the Father / Son Relationship Is So Important
Dan Winkler: Life Is Not about Time, It's about Choices
How Are You Spending your Choices?
Seven Minutes of Wisdom for Women with Babies and Small Children (PTP 2017)
Leah Faughn - Cultivating a Gentle and Quiet Spirit
Hannah Giselbach - Having Intimacy and Special Time with Your Husband
Nedra Rodriguez - Evangelizing Other Young Moms
Gina Simpson - The Importance of Exercise and Nutrition
Denise Skelton - Personal Bible Study Time
Vicky Yocum - Praying T...
Seven Minutes of Wisdom for Families: "This One Thing I Do:" (PTP 2018)
David Smith - The One Thing Your Co-parent Needs Most from You
Mark Howell - One Thing Daughters Need Most from Mothers
Steve Higginbotham - One Thing Sons Need Most from Fathers
Jerry Martin - How to Help a Family with a Terminally Ill Child
Josh Posey - The One Thing Daughters Need Most fr...
Seven Minutes of Wisdom for Families (PTP 2019)
Steve Higginbotham - Sexual Baggage: Is Your Past Haunting Your Marriage?
Johnnie LeMaster - Preparing to Care for Aging Parents--Options and Decisions
Jerry Martin - Help! Should I Give my Child a Smartphone?
Neal Pollard - Should I Force My Child to Go to Worship and Youth Activities?
Josh ...
Brandon Rader: Retaining the Church of Tomorrow Starting Today (3)
Trends associated with young people becoming unfaithful when they leave home.