People and Evangelism in Preaching on TV through the Years
Billy Lambert: What I Have Learned about People and Evangelism in Preaching on TV through the Years
Up Next in Ministry
Brian Davis: What World Bible School ...
WBS connects thousands of New Testament Christians with millions of learners worldwide. WBS; cutting-edge tools; connect Christian teachers with seekers, and offer Bible correspondence courses, both digital and paper, for sharing the Gospel with them. Our network of follow-up partners helps respo...
Brian Kenyon: Babes Until Proven Othe...
Brian Kenyon: Babes Until Proven Otherwise: Avoiding Disappointment in Ministry
This class will look at keeping perspective and optimism as elders, deacons, and preachers with church members, especially when beginning a new work, or with elders when people place membership. Leaders should not a... -
Bud Woodall: Making the Most of Sunda...
Bud Woodall: Making the Most of Sunday Morning Conversations