Jeff Miller: In the Way He Should Go: Rearing Children With a Bible: Part 5
Jeff Miller: In the Way He Should Go: Rearing Children With a Bible: Part 4
Jeff Miller: In the Way He Should Go: Rearing Children With a Bible: Part 7
Jeff Miller: In the Way He Should Go: Rearing Children With a Bible: Part 6
Matt Jones: College New Converts
Melvin Otey: What About Social Drinking?
Melvin Otey: What to Say to a Christian Who Struggles With Same-Sex Attraction?
Melvin Otey: Should Creation Care be a Priority for Christians?
Melvin Otey: Pornography, Find Your Way back to Purity
Caleb Colley: Engaging the Skeptics on Theism
Barry Kennedy : 2 Minutes Tops - My Favorite Sermon Illustration
Paul Owens: Deacons—How to Evaluate, Make a Job Description, & Self-Examination
Westley Hazel: The Great I AM
Terrance Dindy: Peter's Divine Reminder Regarding Our Faith (2 Peter 1)
Phil Sanders: If I Were the Devil
Mike Hixon: 2 Minutes Tops - My Best Advise to Preachers
Kevin Rutherford: Eternal Life and Heaven
Kelvin Pugh: Perilous Times
Hiram Kemp: Christian Dedication (Luke 14:33)
Christians are called to be dedicated and faithful. This lesson is designed to challenge us to grow in faithfulness and dedication to the Lord.
Gary Hampton: The Museum of Your Heart
(I did this from the memory of a lesson presented by Pat Stephenson. There are various versions of a similar lesson that can be found.)
A plea to look into one's life to see what God sees. Each will be urged to look at the "rooms" in their lives. Would God be pleased with the books I read, words...