2 for 1 Class: Grandparents and Elderly Parents
Marriage and Family
Rick Brumback: Grandparenting: How Can I Pass On Spirituality to my Grandchildren? Discussions of God’s plans for building successful homes often focus on spouses, parents, and children. However, the role of grandparents in the home is a topic presented frequently in the Bible. This lesson will examine ways in which grandparents can help their families to grow spiritually and lead prosperous lives as Christ’s disciples.
Ronnie Hayes: Taking Care of Elderly Parents (moving in; nursing home decisions)
Up Next in Marriage and Family
Hannah Giselbach: How to Save on Hous...
Looking Well to the Ways of Her Household (Proverbs 31)
Westley Hazel: Encouraging Family Wor...
This session will look at family worship from a biblical and historical perspective. Wes did his doctoral project on this topic.
Edward Anderson: Is Your Home for Sale?
This lesson will explore the differences between a home and a house and present dangers confronting us.