Gary Hampton: Are You Known in Hell?
An examination of the statements of the demon in Acts 19 and the important question it should lead each of us to ask ourselves. The demon recognized the authority/power of our Lord. He was acquainted with Paul, likely because of the impact the apostle's preaching had on lost souls. The demon did ...
Forest Antemesaris: How to Live for God in a Non-Christian Home
Forest Antemesaris: Apologetic Arguments That Led Me out of Unbelief
Rod Rutherford: Pioneer Missionary: Otis Gatewood
Brother Gatewood pioneered the work in Germany and the Eastern European nations following the Second World War.
Rod Rutherford: Pioneer Missionary: Eldred Echols
Brother Echols spent a lifetime working in Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, Nigeria, Tanzania, and South Africa.
Rod Rutherford: Three Pioneer Missionary Ladies
Sarah Andrews was imprisoned by the Japanese during WW II, and continued to work in Japan after the war. Elizabeth Bernard worked with the George Benson family and others in China. Escaping with several orphaned children when the Communists took over, she served the rest of her life in Hong Kong....
Laura Boyd: They're Reading My Book
This session will explore what our lives say to others.
Larry Acuff: How to Use Jule Miller Videos (2018)
This is an evangelism method that ANYBODY can use. Just turn on the video and let it do the teaching!
Larry Acuff: 8 Characteristics of Evangelistic Preaching
Doug Dingley: Clearing up the Confusion for Our One-cup Brethren? (1)
This class discusses our Lord's intense desire for His disciples' unity; the current depth of the deadly division that exists among us; and whence the foundational misunderstanding comes which lies at the heart of this fatal fracture in our fellowship.
Ed Crookshank: An Evaluation of the Methods Being Used in Missions (1)
Ed Crookshank may be our "senior" missionary in the churches of Christ having spent 55 years on the field in both Africa and the South Pacific.
Kyle Butt: Lessons from My Debate on Pain and Suffering with Bart Ehrman
Here's What We Do, It Might Work for You: Evangelism (PTP2013)
Matt Richardson: Tips for evangelizing to family members.
Johnnie LeMaster: Tips for building up your congregation.
Todd O'Donnell: How my mother helped to convert my father; Personal example, Patient communication; Persistent prayers; Practical Strategies
Ron Maynard: The Fishers of Men train...
Ben Giselbach: Social Media Engagement, Specifically for Instagram and Snapchat
Rob Whitacre - Evangelism In The Age Of COVID
The church has been hit hard by the COVID pandemic, but it must continue its mission: Evangelism.
Practical Ways to Facilitate Connections among Members of Larger Churches
Aubrey Johnson: Practical Ways to Facilitate Connections among Members of Larger Churches
People and Evangelism in Preaching on TV through the Years
Billy Lambert: What I Have Learned about People and Evangelism in Preaching on TV through the Years
Bob Veil - The Case For Christianity
Bob formerly served as a full-time prosecutor for the Office of the State’s Attorney for Washington County, Maryland. He is a graduate of Freed-Hardeman University and the University of Maryland School of Law.
Brian Kenyon: Babes Until Proven Otherwise: Avoiding Disappointment in Ministry
Brian Kenyon: Babes Until Proven Otherwise: Avoiding Disappointment in Ministry
This class will look at keeping perspective and optimism as elders, deacons, and preachers with church members, especially when beginning a new work, or with elders when people place membership. Leaders should not a... -
Bud Woodall: Making the Most of Sunday Morning Conversations
Bud Woodall: Making the Most of Sunday Morning Conversations
Bud Woodall: Since Jesus Paid It All on the Cross, Do I Have to Be Baptized?
Bud Woodall: Since Jesus Paid It All on the Cross, Do I Have to Be Baptized?
Carl Sims: How to Conduct One-on-One Bible Studies If You Are Not a Preacher
Carl Sims: How to Conduct One-on-One Bible Studies If You Are Not a Preacher
Dale Hubbert: John 6: The Chapter You Want to Discuss with New Converts
Dale Hubbert: John 6: The Chapter You Want to Discuss with New Converts
David Powell - Local Work: 17 Ways Preachers Can Hit the "Refresh" Button
David Powell - Local Work: 17 Ways Preachers Can Hit the "Refresh" Button