Here's What We Do, It Might Work for You: Evangelism (PTP2013)
Matt Richardson: Tips for evangelizing to family members.
Johnnie LeMaster: Tips for building up your congregation.
Todd O'Donnell: How my mother helped to convert my father; Personal example, Patient communication; Persistent prayers; Practical Strategies
Ron Maynard: The Fishers of Men training in person-to-person evangelism has a proven history and method for reaching relatives with the gospel. We will share practical examples of those who have reached family members with the gospel using the Search for Truth Bible lessons and the Discovery method of teaching. This method is effective not only for initially reaching family members with the gospel but also in restoring those who have fallen away.
Up Next in Evangelism
Ben Giselbach: Social Media Engagemen...
Rob Whitacre - Evangelism In The Age ...
The church has been hit hard by the COVID pandemic, but it must continue its mission: Evangelism.
Practical Ways to Facilitate Connecti...
Aubrey Johnson: Practical Ways to Facilitate Connections among Members of Larger Churches