Cindy Colley: Five Things the Devil Would Like to Do to your Marriage
Cindy Colley: Watch a Woman-to-Woman Bible Study: Seventh Day Adventism
Cindy Colley: The Value of Fulfilling Our God-Given Roles
Husband as a spiritual leader, wife as a keeper at home, children honoring parents, and being obedient to them.
Cindy Colley: Five Things Parents Must Do to Protect Kids from Pornography
Cindy Colley: Women Respond in Times of Crisis (Lessons from 2 Samuel)
Cindy Colley: Five Things Women Can Do (and Not Do) to Help Make Sound Churches
Cindy Colley: The Make-Over Series: The Beauty of Humility
Cindy Colley: Women at War: Avoiding Spiritual Landmines
Guerrilla warfare and the devil's tactics
Cindy Colley: Watch a Woman-to-Woman Bible Study: Mormonism
Cindy Colley: How To Dig Deep Into The Bible and Get to The Meat (2014)
Cindy Colley: How "Good" Is Post-Modernism?
The Emerging Church Movement is challenging the faith of many students and young adults. While post-modernism has some good points (emphasis on generosity, accepting of all kinds of people, anti-hypocrisy, empathetic, relationship building), the biggest issue relates to its skepticism about the e...
Cindy Colley: Christianity Isn't for Sissies
How to Live Faithfully in a Hostile World
Cindy Colley: Christian Girls In a Sexy World
Thoughts from the Bible on Looks, Clothes, and the Heart
Cindy Colley: Ten Ideas to Build Self-Esteem in Your Children and Grandchildren
Cindy Colley: How To Dig Deep Into The Bible and Get to The Meat (2015)
Cindy Colley: Bad Reasons to Stay in an Unfaithful Church
Cindy Colley: Paying for the Sins of Others (from Joshua's life)
Cindy Colley: 2016 Digging Deeper Awards Ceremony
Cindy Colley: Words That Revolutionize Relationships
David had a Singing Fan-Club, the fact that the praise of women is influential, and how we can capitalize on that truth in our marriages.
Cindy Colley: The Profound Influence of a Meek Woman
Abigail and 1 Peter 3
Cindy Colley: Letting Our Christian Light Shine on Social Media
Cindy Colley: A 20/20 Vision
Four years from now we will be in 2020. Do you have a clear spiritual picture in mind? What will that look like for you?
Cindy Madaris: Incorporating Christian Living/Service into the Homeschool
Sheila Butt: A Final Charge: Until Next Year or See You in Heaven
Sheila Butt: A Final Charge: Until Next Year or See You in Heaven