Don Blackwell: Proving why we must partake of the Lord’s Supper on Sunday
A grammatical study of Acts 20:7. Proving that the Lord's Supper must be partaken every Sunday and only on Sunday.
Mike Vestal: “Don’t Waste a Set-Back” (Blessings in Disguise)
1 Timothy 3:16. The length of any biblical passage does NOT determine its weight and depth! No passage of Scripture demonstrates this truth better than this one.
Mike Vestal: Great Themes in Revelation
Twisted and abused by many, neglected and feared by others, the book of Revelation really is God’s Final Word. The message of Revelation beautifully restates the great theme of the Bible: “The Salvation of Man, to the Glory of God, through Christ Jesus our Lord.” This two-part study will focus on...
Mike Vestal: Great Themes of Revelation
In a climate saturated with universalism and pluralism, it’s necessary and sobering to appropriately state from Scripture the fact that one can be religious and yet not be right with God. This study will focus especially on Matthew 7.
Gary Bennett: Intertestamental Events That Affected the Times of Jesus (1)
Gary Bennett: Cultural Insights into the Parables (2): The Rich Fool
Mike Vestal: Textual Preaching from the Book of Jeremiah
Russell Kline: A Study of God's Providence: A Look at Esther
Terry Edwards: The First Missionary Journey of Paul (Acts 13–14) (1)
Among the most knowledgeable men in this field in our brotherhood, Terry offers insights into Acts that you may have never considered.
Terry Edwards: The First Missionary Journey of Paul (Acts 13–14) (3)
Terry Edwards: The First Missionary Journey of Paul (Acts 13–14) (2)
Doug Dingley: Clearing up the Confusion for Our One-cup Brethren? (3)
Building upon the biblical insights provided by the previous two classes, this final session will explore each communion-related reference containing the word "cup", and seek to provide attendees with the answers they need in order to help clear up the confusion with our one-cup brethren, and hen...
Rose Crayton: The Five Women in Jesus' Family Tree (Matthew 1)
Rose Crayton: My Favorite Women in the Bible—and Why
Scott Harp: The Plan of God from Prophecy to Present: 4: Martin Luther
Scott Harp: The Plan of God from Prophecy to Present: 5: Why Reformation?
Scott Harp: The Plan of God from Prophecy to Present: 2: Protestant Reformation
Scott Harp: The Historical Plan of God from Prophecy to Present: 1: Restoration
Scott Harp: The Plan of God from Prophecy to Present: 3: Scottish Reformation
Michael Hite: How to Approach a Text/Lesson Exegetically
Renita Archey: Why Submission Is a Joy: A Study of Ephesians 5
Rick Brumback: Lessons from the Land of the Bible. Depending on God's Strength
This lesson profiles the conflict between Gideon and the Israelites against the Midianite nation. The PTP audience will be reminded of the particulars of this conflict, especially the limiting of Israel's army, in order to stress that victory is dependent upon faithfulness rather than numbers. Th...
Keith Mosher: What Is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?
Josh Allen: Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
John 14:1-4 is a beautiful passage, but it shines even more brightly when you consider the backdrop. This lesson surveys the events on the night Jesus was betrayed (John 12-14, Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22). There were many troubled hearts that night, including the heart of Jesus.