Reconciliation & Relationships: Part 3: Christian Persuasion
Persuading people to do what is helpful, or even what is right, is not always easy. One might say there is an art to being effectively persuasive. Paul’s personal letter to Philemon teaches us much about this skill.
Reconciliation & Relationships: Part 2: Christian Love
The inspired apostle Paul was the one who wrote, “the greatest of these is love.” In his letter to Philemon, we see that Christian love not only bears certain traits, it also has a certain behavior.CD #224
Jason Rollo: Great Bible Chapters: How to Find True Happiness (1) (Eccles. 1-2)
Michael Shepherd: A Study of the Roman Letter
Eddie Parrish: Morning Devotional: Psalm 90:14
"O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days"
Robert R. Taylor, Jr.: What is The Unpardonable Sin?
Robert R. Taylor, Jr.: Studies in 1 Timothy
Rob Whitacre: Hebrews Simplified (Simple and Fun to Understand)
Young and mature Christians alike respond to this series with "Wow! You made it so simple and fun to understand. I never thought I would get it." The lesson uses a rhyming technique to help students remember one key fact from each chapter.
Rob Whitacre: The Book of Revelation Simplified (1)
Rob Whitacre: The Book of Revelation Simplified (1)
Rob Whitacre: The Best Argument for Baptism Is a Two-Letter Word
Rob Whitacre: The Old Testament Simplified
The Old Testament in one lesson covering each book and assigning a word to summarize them using alliteration. It is based on his book titled, "The Old Testament Simplified."
Phil Sanders: A Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations: Part 1
Phil Sanders: A Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations: Part 2
Phil Sanders: A Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations: Part 3
Phil Sanders: A Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations: Part 4
Phil Sanders: A Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations: Part 5
Phil Sanders: A Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations: Part 6
Phil Sanders: A Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations: Part 7
Phil Sanders: A Study of Jeremiah and Lamentations: Part 8
Hiram Kemp: A Journey through John
This session will show a way to teach the gospel to a sinner using the book of John.
Hiram Kemp: A Prayer for Times of Adversity (2 Chronicles)
Hiram Kemp: Getting the Most out of Grace (Ephesians 2:1-10)
Jania Otey: Sexual Harassment Is as Old as Man & Woman: Lessons from Genesis (1)
Jania Otey: Sexual Harassment Is as Old as Man & Woman: Lessons from Genesis (2)