Kevin Moore: Attempts to Harmonize the Bible and Homosexuality: A Response
Jacob Evans: Gentiles in the Hands of a Genocidal God
Scripture both describes the Israelites exterminating the Canaanites in cities like Jericho (Joshua 6:21), and what about such commands as: "devote them to complete destruction . . . and show no mercy to them" (Deuteronomy 7:2). How is this reconciled with a God who loves His creation?
Hugh Fulford: Is CENI Really a Hermeneutic?
Command, example, necessary inference
Bill Burk: Random Psalms - Eternal Lessons - Psalm 48
Bill Burk: Random Psalms - Eternal Lessons - Psalm 48
Bill Burk: Random Psalms - Eternal Lessons - Psalm 71
Bill Burk: Random Psalms - Eternal Lessons - Psalm 71
Bill Burk: Random Psalms: Eternal Lessons in Psalm 127
Bill Burk: Random Psalms: Eternal Lessons in Psalm 127
Bill Burk: Random Psalms: Eternal Lessons in Psalm 72
Bill Burk: Random Psalms: Eternal Lessons in Psalm 72
Bill Burk: Random Psalms/Eternal Lessons: Psalm 49
Bill Burk: Random Psalms/Eternal Lessons: Psalm 49
Brian Kenyon: First Corinthians
This class will show the wisdom of a verse-by-verse study of First Corinthians, especially for a preacher beginning a new work. This epistle deals with practical information on both preventing and overcoming local church problems.
Clint Brown: Genesis 3:15: The Power of One Seed
This lesson will trace the Seed Promise from Adam to Christ
Clint Brown: The Kingdom Motif in Scripture: From Purpose to Perfection - Part 2
The class will consider preparation, practice, and perfection.
Clint Brown: The Kingdom Motif in Scripture: From Purpose to Perfection - Part 1
The Kingdom: The class will consider purpose, promise, prototype, and prophecy.
Ernest Benjamin: To Follow Jesus, You Must Lose Your Mind (Philippians 2:5)
Ernest Benjamin: To Follow Jesus, You Must Lose Your Mind (Philippians 2:5)
Justin Rogers: Exegetical Studies of NT Passages: Subjunctive Mood in the NT
Justin Rogers: Exegetical Studies of Difficult New Testament Passages: Uses of the Subjunctive Mood in the New Testament
Lance Mosher: Book Evangelism
Lance Mosher: Book Evangelism
Teach your friends the gospel by giving them a book to read and consider. Transformed is a book about a true story of the conversion of author Lance Mosher. WVBS sells Transformed for about $4 each in bulk. Lance is making the trip from New Zealand to speak at PTP. -
Mark Jamieson: Morning Devotional: Does God Care? (Luke 15)
Mark Jamieson: Morning Devotional: Does God Care? (Luke 15)
Mark Jamieson: Don't Waste Your Mornings (Psalm 5:3)
Mark Jamieson: Morning Devotional: Don't Waste Your Mornings (Psalm 5:3)
Mark Jamieson: Reasons to Rejoice. This will be taken from Philippians
Mark Jamieson: Reasons to Rejoice. This will be taken from Philippians
Mike Vestal: Great Bible Chapters: When Cultures Clash (Acts 17)
Mike Vestal: Great Bible Chapters: When Cultures Clash (Acts 17)