Caleb Colley: Always Abounding in the Work of the Lord
Melvin Otey: They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love
Melvin Otey: Should Creation Care be a Priority for Christians?
Melvin Otey: Pornography, Find Your Way back to Purity
Hiram Kemp: Christian Dedication (Luke 14:33)
Christians are called to be dedicated and faithful. This lesson is designed to challenge us to grow in faithfulness and dedication to the Lord.
Mike Hixon: Don't Let the Devil Make a Slave Out of You
Kelvin Pugh: Do Thee Good
Hiram Kemp: God's Keys to Success
Todd Clippard: Are You Dressed Properly? = Baptism
The Parable of the Wedding Feast, Matthew 22:1-14. No shoes, no shirt, no service. No wedding garment, no Jesus. Learning what it means to put on Christ.
Terrance Dindy: Without Love (1 Cor 1)
Mike Hixon: Learning From The Prayer Life of Jesus
(Mk. 1:35)--Jesus spent a great deal of time in prayer. We can learn a great deal about the power and privilege of prayer by examining the Lord's prayer life.
Billy Lambert: How Can We Have a Strong Faith?
Kevin Rutherford: Eternal Life and Love
Todd Clippard: Recognizing Value = Faith
The Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price, Matthew 13:44-46. No matter what we must sacrifice for the kingdom of God, it’s worth it, and more! This lesson helps to exercise discernment to know when we find something of real value, namely FAITH.
Doug Dingley: Christianity in 3-D
Keith Kasarjian: Look on the Bright Side
Johnny Scaggs: We Must learn to Turn Trials Into Triumph
John DeBerry: America: A Return to Righteousness (3)
Alan Judd: Are You Worried about Worry?
Caleb Colley: Physical Suffering, Grief, and the Christian
Every Christian is faced with some physical suffering and grief. A study of the book of Job gives us God’s plan for handling these challenges.
Glenn Colley: Judge Not
Larry Acuff: The Faith of Noah
This sermon bassed on Heb. 11:1-7 points out three kinds of faith in James 2: Dead, Demonic, and Dynamic. It also discusses four kinds of faith in Romans 1 Common, Mutual, Communication, and Consecrated.
Hiram Kemp: Why I Love the Church of Christ
This sermon speaks of the New Testament church and why I love her. The church of Christ is the bride of Christ and distinct from other churches in our world. The Bible shows us why we all should have a love for the church Jesus purchased.
Melvin Otey: Modesty, is this a topic for boys?