John DeBerry: Did The Founders Intend to Banish God from the Public Square?
How should the Bible be used by government officials?
John DeBerry: Pre-Denominational Christianity
Alan Highers: Great Men of the Restoration: A. G. Freed
Alan Highers: Great Men of the Restoration: David Lipscomb
Alan Highers: A Look Back at 500 Years of Protestantism—Is the World Better Off?
Alan Highers: Great Men of the Restoration: My Bible Teachers at Freed-Hardeman
This includes such men as H. A. Dixon, G. K. Wallace, W. Claude Hall, and Frank VanDyke.
Alan Highers: Some Interesting Scenes And Characters of The Restoration Movement
Presented at PTP 2015
Alan Highers: Church History by the Century—Getting to Know the "Church Fathers"
Alan Highers: The Sacrifices Pioneer Preachers Made to Preach the Gospel
Who knows what the future holds, but preachers, elders, and members need to be prepared for more challenging times as we face a future where society is no longer sympathetic toward those who share God's truth, the good news of Jesus Christ.
Alan Highers: The Debates of Alexander Campbell
The Debates of Alexander Campbell
Alan Highers: The Country Preacher from Tekoa
Justin Rogers: Handclapping in the Music of the Early Church
Although Woodson, Highers, and many others have detailed the early church's strong position against instrumental music, no one to my knowledge has done this with handclapping. However, the church's position is just as strongly opposed to handclapping during the singing of Christian hymns as it is...
Scott Harp: The Plan of God from Prophecy to Present: 4: Martin Luther
Scott Harp: The Plan of God from Prophecy to Present: 5: Why Reformation?
Scott Harp: The Plan of God from Prophecy to Present: 2: Protestant Reformation
Scott Harp: The Historical Plan of God from Prophecy to Present: 1: Restoration
Scott Harp: The Plan of God from Prophecy to Present: 3: Scottish Reformation
Alan Highers: Alexander Campbell's famous "Sermon on the Law"
Keith Mosher: The Greatest Sermons Preached in the Last 200 Years: Campbell
Keith Mosher: The Greatest Sermons Preached in the Last Two Hundred Years: Alexander Campbell's sermon on John 1 and the Word
Originally published in the 1823 Christian Baptist.