In this video Mark Posey speaks on the topic "Sermon Outlines: Some of My Favorites"
We know how it is. Sunday comes around every seventh day. PTP helps keep good material in the queue. Here is something to take home with you.
This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2023, held August 16-24, 2023 in Sevierville, TN. For more information on future events, visit
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Two Minutes, Tops: My Favorite Illust...
Two Minutes, Tops: My Favorite Illustration
Speakers: Reagan Amos, Aaron Baker, John Baker, Charles Cochran, Anthony Dismuke, Odie Duncan, Dwight Fuqua, Joey Glisson, Lee Jamieson, Jeff Johnson, Mike Johnson, David Lillard, Jon Mitchell, Philip Norwood, Jeremy Pate, David Rader, Ty Rhymes, Doug ...
Two Minutes, Tops: Graveside Sermons
Two Minutes, Tops: Graveside Sermons
Speakers: Lee Jamieson, Dwight Fuqua, Ronnie Hayes, Paul Holland, Mike Johnson, Jeff Johnson, Brian Kenyon, Billy Lambert, David Lillard, David Looney, Chris Blackwell, Tommy O’Kelley, Keith Olbricht, Mike Peters, Phil Sanders, Johnie Scaggs, Ron Thomas, Tom ...
Seven Times to Change Your Sermon | K...
In this video Kevin Rhodes speaks on the topic "Seven Times to Change Your Sermon"
This video is from. Polishing the Pulpit 2023, heldAugust 16-24, 2023 in. Sevierville, TN. For more information on futureevents, visit