Polishing the Pulpit 2023 (Official)
Seven Moments in History that Changed the World | Gary Hampton
In this video Gary Hampton speaks on the topic "Seven Moments in History that Changed the World"
This video is from. Polishing the Pulpit 2023, held August. 16-24, 2023 in Sevierville, TN. For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com
Up Next in History
Ten Momentous Days in History: The Gi...
Dan Winkler speaks on the topic "Ten Momentous Days in History: The Giving of the Law (Exodus 12)"
This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2023, held August 16-24, 2023 in Sevierville, TN. For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com
Ten Momentous Days in History: The Da...
Dan Winkler speaks on the topic "Ten Momentous Days in History: The Day Christ Was Born"
This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2023, held August 16-24, 2023 in Sevierville, TN. For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com