Polishing the Pulpit 2022

Polishing the Pulpit 2022

31 Seasons

These are videos from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

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Polishing the Pulpit 2022
  • Save Our Boys | Ernest Benjamin

    Episode 1

    In this video Ernest Benjamin speaks on the topic "Save Our Boys"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Dreaded Words: “Mom, Dad, I’m Pregnant.” | Joshua Cantrell

    Episode 2

    In this video Joshua Cantrell speaks on the topic "Dreaded Words: 'Mom, Dad, I’m Pregnant.'"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • When I Learned What True Repentance Is | Don Blackwell

    Episode 3

    In this video Don Blackwell speaks on the topic "When I Learned What True Repentance Is"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Living for Jesus Behind Closed Doors (Marriage Class Part 2) | John Baker

    Episode 4

    John Baker speaks on the topic "Living for Jesus Behind Closed Doors (Marriage Class Part 2)"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Working toward a Healthy Atmosphere (Marriage Class Part 3) | John Baker

    Episode 5

    In this video John Baker speaks on the topic "Morning Marriage Class (Part 3): Let Us Clear the Air: Working toward a Healthy BC Atmosphere in Marriage"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishi...

  • What Were You Expecting? (Marriage Class Part 1) | John Baker

    Episode 6

    In this video John Baker speaks on the topic "Morning Marriage Class (Part 1): What Were You Expecting?"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Thoughts on Roe Versus Wade and the Church | Don Blackwell

    Episode 7

    In this video Don Blackwell speaks on the topic "Thoughts on Roe Versus Wade and the Church"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • How the World Can Cripple the Home | Scott Wright

    Episode 8

    In this video Scott Wright speaks on the topic "How the World Can Cripple the Home"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • How Can I Tell if Materialism Is Affecting my Family | Wesley Skelton

    Episode 9

    Wesley Skelton speaks on the topic "How Can I Tell if Materialism Is Affecting my Family"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • The Three Stages of Youth from Proverbs | Michael Wyatt

    Episode 10

    In this video Michael Wyatt speaks on the topic "The Three Stages of Youth from Proverbs"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Some Tips and Verses for a New or Struggling Marriage | Steve Higginbotham

    Episode 11

    Steve Higginbotham speaks on the topic "Some Tips and Verses for a New or Struggling Marriage"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Preparing to Give an Answer: God’s Defense Recipe in 1 Peter 3:15 | Eric Lyons

    Episode 12

    Eric Lyons speaks on the topic "Preparing to Give an Answer: God’s Defense Recipe in 1 Peter 3:15"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • In the Waiting Room: Why God Makes Us Wait | Mark Reynolds

    Episode 13

    In this video Mark Reynolds speaks on the topic "In the Waiting Room: Why God Makes Us Wait"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • How to Stay Married for Sixty Years | Hugh Fulford

    Episode 14

    In this video Hugh Fulford speaks on the topic "How to Stay Married for Sixty Years"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Seven Minutes of Wisdom for Families

    Episode 15

    Doug Burleson: My Adult Son Has Not Spoken to Me in Eight Years. Any Advice?

    James Eaves: Some Little Things You Can Do Daily to Help Your Family.

    Robby Eversole, Sr.: How to Have Maximum Marriage with Minimum Misery.

    Johnnie LeMaster: How to Stand Strong When Pressured to Do Wrong.

    David Loo...

  • Who Are Your Heroes? | Jerry Anderson

    Episode 16

    In this video Jerry Anderson speaks on the topic "Who Are Your Heroes?"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Is a ‘Honeymoon Marriage’ Possible? | Victor Eskew

    Episode 17

  • A Funeral Director Looks at the Value of a Funeral | Alan Judd

    Episode 18

    In this video Alan Judd speaks on the topic "A Funeral Director Looks at the Value of a Funeral"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • The Barren Fig Tree | John Baker

    Episode 19

    In this video John Baker speaks on the topic "The Barren Fig Tree: What Jesus Said about the News Stories of His Day (Luke 13:1-9)"

  • Offering Hope: Here Is How Men Are Quitting Porn | David Stanfield

    Episode 20

    In this video David Stanfield speaks on the topic "Offering Hope: Here Is How Men Are Quitting Porn"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Rearing Boys to Fight Off Sexual Temptation | Kevin Sutton

    Episode 21

    In this video Kevin Sutton speaks on the topic "Rearing Boys to Fight Off Sexual Temptation"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Parents, Satan Wants your Children! | Kevin Sutton

    Episode 22

    In this video Kevin Sutton speaks on the topic Parents, Satan Wants your Children!"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Alzheimers and Dementia (Part 1): What Is It? | Don Williams

    Episode 23

    In this video Don Williams speaks on the topic "Alzheimers and Dementia (Part 1): What Is It?"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Alzheimers and Dementia (Part 2): The World and the Patient | Don Williams

    Episode 24

    Don Williams speaks on the topic "Alzheimers and Dementia (Part 2): The World and the Patient"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com