Polishing the Pulpit 2022

Polishing the Pulpit 2022

31 Seasons

These are videos from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

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Polishing the Pulpit 2022
  • Four Ws of Baptism (What, Who, Why, and When) | Brock Shanks

    Episode 1

    In this video Brock Shanks speaks on the topic "Four Ws of Baptism (What, Who, Why, and When)"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • How Can I Tell if Materialism Is Affecting my Family | Wesley Skelton

    Episode 2

    Wesley Skelton speaks on the topic "How Can I Tell if Materialism Is Affecting my Family"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • The Three Stages of Youth from Proverbs | Michael Wyatt

    Episode 3

    In this video Michael Wyatt speaks on the topic "The Three Stages of Youth from Proverbs"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Must the Church of Christ Change to Reach this Generation | Brock Shanks

    Episode 4

    Brock Shanks speaks on the topic "Must the Church of Christ Change to Reach this Generation"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Greek for Beginners: Twenty Useful Greek Words | Justin Rogers

    Episode 5

    In this video Justin Rogers speaks on the topic "Greek for Beginners: Twenty Useful Greek Words"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Knowing Your Limits In Preaching | Mike Vestal

    Episode 6

    In this video Mike Vestal speaks on the topic "Knowing Your Limits In Preaching"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • The Suffering Servant: An Exposition of Isaiah | Cody Westbrook

    Episode 7

    In this video Cody Westbrook speaks on the topic "The Suffering Servant: An Exposition of Isaiah"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Why the Need to Be Baptized Again? | David Sproule

    Episode 8

    David Sproule speaks on "Why Does a Person Baptized in a Denomination Need to Be Baptized Again?"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • The Urgency of Obedience/The Same Hour of the Night | Michael Shepherd

    Episode 9

    In this video Michael Shepherd speaks on the topic "The Urgency of Obedience/The Same Hour of the Night"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Parenting From Proverbs: The Best Handbook | Rob Whitacre

    Episode 10

    In this video Rob Whitacre speaks on the topic "Parenting From Proverbs: The Best Handbook"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Leadership Landmines: Some Sabotage their own Ministries | Dan Winkler

    Episode 11

    In this video Dan Winkler speaks on the topic "Leadership Landmines: Why and How Do Some Sabotage their own Ministries"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • It Was Not Raining When Noah Built the Ark | Paul Sain

    Episode 12

    In this video Paul Sain speaks on the topic "It Was Not Raining When Noah Built the Ark"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Do We Have the True Old Testament? | Justin Rogers

    Episode 13

    In this video Justin Rogers speaks on the topic "Do We Have the True Old Testament?"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • The Song of Solomon Simplified | Rob Whitacre

    Episode 14

    In this video Rob Whitacre speaks on the topic "The Song of Solomon Simplified"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Here Am I, Send Aaron | Aaron Gallagher

    Episode 15

    In this video Aaron Gallagher speaks on the topic "Here Am I, Send Aaron"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • What is Legalism? | Aaron Gallagher

    Episode 16

    In this video Aaron Gallagher speaks on the topic "What is Legalism?"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • 10 Prayers God Always Answers | Eric Garner

    Episode 17

    In this video Eric Garner speaks on the topic "10 Prayers God Always Answers"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Ministering to Students with Same Sex Attraction | Eric Garner

    Episode 18

    Eric Garner speaks on "Youth Workers Seminar: Ministering to Students with Same Sex Attraction"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • I'm Not Mad! Neglecting God's Plan for Forgiveness | Jeanny Gilpin

    Episode 19

    Jeanny Gilpin speaks on the topic "I'm Not Mad! Neglecting God's Plan for Forgiveness (Luke 17:1-5, Matthew 5:23-24; 6:14-15)"

  • College Seminar: Making Spiritual Progress in the College Years | Kyle Gilpin

    Episode 20

    Kyle Gilpin speaks on the topic "College Seminar: Making Spiritual Progress in the College Years"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • The Real Roman Road to Grace | Cliff Goodwin

    Episode 21

    In this video Cliff Goodwin speaks on the topic "The Real Roman Road to Grace"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Roman Emperors: Nero | Luke Griffin

    Episode 22

    In this video Luke Griffin speaks on the topic "Roman Emperors: Nero"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • The Danger of Pride for Preachers | Kevin Hahn

    Episode 23

    In this video Kevin Hahn speaks on the topic "The Danger of Pride for Preachers"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • What Should We Do When We Disagree? | Gary Hampton

    Episode 24

    In this video Gary Hampton speaks on the topic "What Should We Do When We Disagree?"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com