Polishing the Pulpit 2022

Polishing the Pulpit 2022

31 Seasons

These are videos from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

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Polishing the Pulpit 2022
  • Ten Tips for College Students | Kyle Butt

    Episode 1

    In this video Kyle Butt speaks on the topic "Ten Tips for College Students"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Hot Button Issues: Gender Identification | Justin Rogers

    Episode 2

    In this video Justin Rogers speaks on the topic "Hot Button Issues: Gender Identification"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • College Seminar: Making Spiritual Progress in the College Years | Kyle Gilpin

    Episode 3

    Kyle Gilpin speaks on the topic "College Seminar: Making Spiritual Progress in the College Years"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Dealing with the Stress of Work as Christian | Shelby Moorman

    Episode 4

    In this video Shelby Moorman speaks on the topic "Dealing with the Stress of Work as Christian"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • "Adulting." What does it mean? Am I doing it right? | Jeremy Pate

    Episode 5

    In this video Jeremy Pate speaks on the topic "'Adulting.' What does it mean? Am I doing it right?"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Things I Have to Say to My Brothers and Sisters in College Now | Jeremy Pate

    Episode 6

    In this video Jeremy Pate speaks on the topic "College Seminar: From the Heart-Some Things I Have to Say to My Brothers and Sisters in College Now"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthe...

  • Panel: ​Approaches to Home Bible Studies

    Episode 7

    Panel: Approaches to Home Bible Studies
    Ernest Benjamin: A Person
    Ryan Manning: A Place
    Eric Owens: A Plan
    Michael Shepherd: A Prayer

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • I'm Single and My Preacher Is Doing a Series on Marriage | Todd Clippard

    Episode 8

    Todd Clippard speaks on the topic "I'm Single and My Preacher Is Doing a Series on Marriage"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Engaging the Skeptics on Purpose: Why Did God Make Me? | Caleb Colley

    Episode 9

    Caleb Colley speaks on the topic "Engaging the Skeptics on Purpose: Why Did God Make Me?"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Finance 101: Stewardship for Singles | Dale Hubbert

    Episode 10

    In this video Dale Hubbert speaks on the topic "Finance 101: Stewardship for Singles"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • College Seminar: How Can I Keep my Morals on an Immoral Campus? | Jeremy Pate

    Episode 11

    Jeremy Pate speaks on the topic "College Seminar: How Can I Keep my Morals on an Immoral Campus?"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Balancing Classes, Extracurricular, and Church in the College Years | RJ Tracy

    Episode 12

    RJ Tracy speaks on the topic "Balancing Classes, Extracurricular, and Church in the College Years"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • College Seminar: How to Reach Your Peers with the Gospel | Matt Jones

    Episode 13

    Matt Jones speaks on the topic "College Seminar: How to Reach Your Peers with the Gospel"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • College Seminar: Five Lies We Tell Ourselves | Andrew Martinez

    Episode 14

    In this video Andrew Martinez speaks on the topic "College Seminar: Five Lies We Tell Ourselves"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • College Seminar: Preparing for Marriage (Part 1) | Clark Sims

    Episode 15

    In this video Clark Sims speaks on the topic "College Seminar: Preparing for Marriage (Part 1)"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • College Seminar: Preparing for Marriage (Part 2) | Clark Sims

    Episode 16

    In this video Clark Sims speaks on the topic "College Seminar: Preparing for Marriage (Part 2)"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • Dealing with Doubts | Ferman Carpenter

    Episode 17

    In this video Ferman Carpenter speaks on the topic "Dealing with Doubts"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com

  • College Seminar: How to Deal with Unbelieving Professors | Dean Meadows

    Episode 18

    Dean Meadows speaks on the topic "College Seminar: How to Deal with Unbelieving Professors"

    This video is from Polishing the Pulpit 2022, held August 17-25, 2022 in Sevierville, TN.

    For more information on future events, visit polishingthepulpit.com