Dan Winkler: I Just Want to Belong to the Church That Belongs to Jesus
An Introduction to the Church of Christ.
Eric Lyons: Eight Things to Share with Non-Bible Readers
Americans are increasingly unfamiliar with the Bible and seemingly much less prepared than previous generations to rightly divide it. In fact, 46 percent of Americans are now categorized as "Non-Bible Readers." Truly and effectively comprehending the Scriptures requires honesty, effort, and the a...
Aaron Gallagher: Is Your Congregation Using Social Media Wrong?
Social Media
2 for 1 Class: Worship and Bible Studies
Justin Rogers - What about Praise Teams, Handclapping, and Beatboxing?
David Barker - Tips and Thoughts on Conducting Coffee Shop Bible Studies -
Terrance Brownlow-Dindy: The Lord's Evangelism Seminar (Luke 10:1-12)
Todd O'Donnell: Nuts and Bolts: The Doors Are Knocked, Now the Work Begins
Follow-up after a door-knocking campaign
Matt Vega: Religious Freedom and International Human Rights
This session will discuss the current U.S. and international laws protecting foreign citizens and missionaries from religious persecution worldwide.
Michael Houts: Evangelizing Agnostics: Science as a Tool for Evangelism
Michael Houts: Using Advances in Science to Evangelize Agnostics
Gary Hampton: What Is Going to Happen to All Who Have Never Heard of Jesus?
Doug Smith: Some Things We Can Learn from Acts about Church Growth
Doug Smith: Do Your Visitors Feel Welcome?
Dewayne Bryant: Fact-Checking the Islamic Faith
Muslims claim that Islam is the true faith and that Christianity and Judaism are merely corruptions of the truth. Muslim doctrine states that figures of the Bible such as Abraham and Moses were faithful Muslims. What does archaeology say about these claims, and about the origins of the world’s se...
Doug Couch: Evangelizing the Skeptics
Why is our culture increasingly skeptical of Christianity? How can we get skeptics to be skeptical of their own skepticism? What evidence can help the skeptic become certain of the claims of Christianity?
Doug Couch: What Community Outreach Does for the Lord's Cause
How serving non-Christians disarms our critics, opens hearts to the gospel, stirs up the church, and follows the example of Jesus. Lecture includes practical suggestions that might be done to serve your community.
Doug Couch: Long-term Benefits to Short-term Missions
Encouraging your fellow members to participate in short-term mission works blesses the church back home as well as the one you visit.
Doug Couch: How to Prepare for a Mission Trip
A look at what we did to prepare members for a different culture and what to expect when they came back home as well as the effects their trip had on our congregation.
Wade Webster: Getting the Gospel into Mexico
B. J. Clarke: Where Could I Go, but to the Lord? (Ps. 73)
When the troubles and trials of life overwhelm us, and the wicked all around us seem to be living pain-free lives, where can we go for answers and for comfort? How can we go from doubt to discovery? Asaph shows us how!
B. J. Clarke: It's a Matter of Life and Death! (Prov. 18:21)
According to Proverbs 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Since our words will either justify us or condemn us (Matt. 12:35-36), we would do well to investigate and avoid the sins of the tongue. It truly is a matter of life and death!
B. J. Clarke: There Is One Baptism, but Which One? (Eph 4:5)
The Scriptures mention many baptisms, but Paul affirms, “there is one baptism” (Eph. 4:5). Which baptism is Paul speaking of, how can we know, and does it matter if we know?
B. J. Clarke: There Is One Body, but Which One? (Eph 4:5)
There are many religious bodies, but Paul affirms “there is one body” (Eph. 4:5). Which one is the one, and how can we be sure we’ve found the right one?
Doug Dingley: Evangelism - Every Member's Mission Part 1
Evangelism is every member's mission. We need to take it personally. Here is why.
Gary Hampton: The Power of One: Margaret E. Vick's Impact on 20,000 Souls
We will first stress the importance of one person in the eyes of our Lord. Then we will consider Margaret E. Vick to see the impact one soul can have on over 20,000 souls in the lives of those around her and in succeeding generations.