John Moore: Visiting Paul in Prison
Strengthen your resolve to serve Jesus while taking an epic journey to first-century Rome, and into the prison cell of the apostle Paul. If you had gone to visit Paul during his two-year imprisonment, what would you have witnessed? Where would he have been incarcerated? What environmental conditions would he have faced? What emotional obstacles did he encounter? More importantly, how did Paul cope with this great miscarriage of justice, and what can we learn from his experience? These and other similar questions will be answered as we seek to deepen our own faith while walking in the steps of the apostle Paul.
Up Next in Archaeology
Gary Massey: Bethsaida: Where Apostle...
Bethsaida is the third most-mentioned city in the gospel accounts and was the home of at least three apostles. Studying the archaeological ruins here sheds light on first-century life, culture, and religion. The lesson will include finds that increase understanding of some of Jesus’ teaching, as ...
Gary Massey: Caesarea: Where the Gosp...
The archaeology of the Roman ruins at Caesarea, especially how the Romans converted a small village into a world-class port and built magnificent buildings on the coast that became the capital of their Middle Eastern activities. The lesson will then show how the Lord used this port to take the go...
Gary Massey: The Trial of the Ages: J...
Where was the house of Caiaphas and Annas? Where was Jesus tried before Pilate? Join us in a pictorial study of the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus in light of new archeological data.